Signs of toilet training readiness: When to start, and when to wait

© 2022 Gwen Dewar, Ph.D., all rights reserved

When children testify signs of toilet preparation readiness, they may larn toileting skills more easily or chop-chop. Simply not all signs are equally helpful — or even relevant — to your family unit's needs. Before you begin grooming, it's important to decide on your individualized goals for potty training, and and so look for signs that your kid has the developmental abilities to lucifer these goals.

What is "toilet grooming readiness"? The concept was pioneered by two pediatricians — Benjamin Spock and T. Berry Brazelton. They argued that some children are pushed into training before they are developmentally fix. And so kids resist, and families fail to make progress.

To avert these pitfalls, the doctors recommended patience. Await until a child has achieved sure physical and psychological milestones. Then you can be confident that your child is prepared for the toilet preparation process (Brazelton et al 1999).

It sounds reasonable. But should we view these milestones equally prerequisites for training?

Not necessarily.

There is no "one size fits all" approach to the timing of toilet training

Watching for milestones is useful.  It helps united states sympathise what types of toileting skills our children are fix to learn.

Merely over the years, pediatricians and researchers have come up with lots of different signs of toilet training readiness, and they aren't all as useful, non to everyone.

For example, your own child'south readiness depends on what, exactly, you lot want to achieve.

For some parents, the goal is complete toileting independence. They want their kids to be able to walk into a bathroom, pull down their pants, use the potty, wipe themselves, and so forth.

If that's your goal, then you obviously need to wait for certain cardinal milestones, like the power to walk independently.

But other parents — like parents who practice traditional baby potty grooming? They have more small-scale goals in heed. They aren't going to enquire their babies to seat themselves on a potty chair — let alone look them to walk. For these families, many of the proposed "signs of toilet grooming readiness" aren't relevant.

And then at that place'south another bespeak. Even if you're interested in grooming your child for consummate, toileting independence, you don't need to expect until you discover every sign of readiness that has ever been proposed.

For example, some writers have brash parents to expect until their kids are staying dry during daytime naps. Is it really necessary to wait this long?

A recent written report suggests otherwise. Less than half of the children who were successfully toilet trained had reached this milestone (Wyndaele et al 2020).

And information technology's worth noting: Some "signs of readiness" concern your kid's marvel and motivation to begin training. You can wait for these signs to arise spontaneously. But you can also take active steps to engage your child's interest — and generate enthusiasm for the process.

So what should be on your parental radar? And how should y'all make up one's mind which signs are worth waiting for?

Hither I will review the expert communication, beginning with the preconditions for grooming that everybody agrees nearly. Then I'll review some of the most oft-mentioned signs of toilet training readiness, which I've compiled from a variety of medical publications.

Crucial conditions for toilet training: What every family should wait for

There's no difficult-and-fast list of developmental milestones that every child must attain before potty training. Simply — no thing what your goals — in that location are certain background conditions that need to be in place before y'all start asking your child to learn new toileting skills.

In general, you shouldn't try to begin potty training unless your child is

  • healthy (no diarrhea or constipation, for example);
  • relaxed (not stressed by new life changes, like a move); and
  • cooperative (not going through a rebellious stage).

Why are these crucial? Because successful outcomes depend on children maintaining positive feelings about toilet training.

If you try to train during a hard time, your child may learn to associate toilet training with hurting, illness, emotional distress, or fighting. And one time that happens, your child may go very resistant to the preparation process.

Merely allow'due south assume you've got a good for you, relaxed, cooperative child who is experiencing regular bowel movements. What's next? What sorts of behavior might signal that your child gear up to train?

Signs of toilet training readiness signs: A list compiled from vii different skilful sources

Back in 1999, Dr. Peter Gorski presented a ready of signs which are still embraced by the American Academy of Pediatrics today. He brash that kids should be capable of

  • imitating your actions;
  • putting some objects "where they belong";
  • showing independence by saying "no";
  • expressing an interest in potty training (past, for case, following you into the bathroom);
  • walking and sitting down;
  • communicating when they are urinating or defecating, and when they need to do these things;
  • removing and replacing their apparel (i.eastward., pulling their pants up and down).

In add-on, physician Drew Baird and colleagues (2019) propose that parents look for signs that children are

  • demonstrating "dissatisfaction" with a dirty diaper (i.eastward., they want to stay clean, and feel distressed past soiled or wet diapers);
  • using "expressive" language; and
  • showing  "bladder or bowel command" (e.chiliad., staying dry for 2 hours at a fourth dimension, or during a nap).

And other experts have proposed more signs of toilet training readiness, including

  • request to use a potty chair, or to wear "large kid" underwear; (American University of Family Physicians  2019);
  • being capable of responding to directions, questions or explanations (Wyndaele et al 2020);
  • wanting  to perform tasks independently, and showing pride in such achievements ( O'Connell 2000; Schum et al 2002); and
  • displaying a want to command emptying, and actively participate in toilet training (Canadian Pediatric Society 2000; Schum et al 2002).

Okay. That's quite a few signs, and you can probably understand the rationale for most of them.  Simply it's besides clear that dissimilar signs tin can lead us to different conclusions.

For example, in Gorski'south signs of toilet training readiness, he doesn't mention asking to habiliment "large kid" underwear, or staying dry during a daytime nap. What if your child meets Gorski's criteria, but doesn't show all the signs proposed past some other skilful? Are you supposed to move forrard, or wait?

Confusing? Yes. And the people who are arguably the most knowledgeable about this — researchers who report toilet grooming and bladder command — concord. After reviewing the published literature on toilet training, Nore Kaerts and her colleagues reported:

"Our results bear witness that there is no consensus on which or how many readiness signs to use. Depending on the readiness sign, the moment to showtime toilet training can vary a lot" (Kaerts et al 2012).

So how should parents sift through these signs?

Skip signs that aren't relevant or of import to your goals

Many of signs of readiness presume that parents want to wait until their kids take developed rather advanced developmental abilities. And that might not describe you.

For instance, some parents might desire to filibuster training until their children are showing considerable bladder control — staying dry for at least two hours at a stretch.

Information technology's a reasonable choice to brand. If your child can "hold it" for longer intervals, you won't have to pay equally many visits to the potty. Merely other parents may feel differently. They prefer to get started earlier, fifty-fifty if it means some additional trips to the potty chair.

Is 1 of these approaches correct, and the other incorrect?

No. Starting earlier might involve more piece of work upwards forepart, and — in general — younger children usually take longer to master the unabridged procedure. But on the positive side, families may become their kids out of diapers sooner, which comes with a number of benefits.

So there's a case to be made for both options. Information technology just depends on what trade-offs y'all're willing to make. The important thing is to look for developmental signs that are consequent with the goals yous set.

And call up that you lot can accept steps to actively prepare your child for toilet training

According to the original concept of toilet grooming readiness, you're supposed to wait patiently for skills to emerge. But this arroyo could leave y'all waiting for quite a long time.

For example, in a study of American children, aged xv-twoscore months, about toilet-related skills were non mastered until later on 22 months, and the median age for attaining some skills — like telling a parent beforehand about the need to urinate — was over 32 months (Schum et al 2002).

That's quite a long look if yous consider that "median" means that half the kids took fifty-fiftylonger.

So can parents speed up the evolution of certain behavioral milestones?

In a study of more than than 200 children living in the Netherlands, researchers found evidence in favor of the idea. Their data advise that kids developed some "signs of readiness" not before training, but during training.

For example, going through toilet training predicted the evolution of increased interest in toilet training. It was as well associated with picking upward more expressive vocabulary, including a knowledge of potty training related words (Wyndaele et al 2020).

And course this fits with everyday experience, and what we know about how kids learn. In that location'southward a lot that parents can practice:

  • They can stimulate interest in potty training by actively showing children how toileting works.
  • They can expose kids to words that volition assistance them talk about using the potty.
  • They can read children books near toilet training.
  • They can dress toddlers in pants that are like shooting fish in a barrel to pull upward and down — and bear witness kids how to practise this skill.
  • They can present children with a potty chair to investigate — long before training begins.

In sum, it's a good idea to actively introduce your child to potty preparation skills and concepts. Barton Schmidt, Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Colorado, says that one of the most common mistakes parents make is doing nothing to prepare until the week they start training (Schmidt 2004).

Are whatever signs of toilet preparation readiness especially helpful for predicting success?

In that aforementioned written report of kids in the netherlands, researchers asked this question. They collected information on 221 (aged 15-35 months), and looked for correlations between signs of readiness and toilet training status.

What were the signs most strongly linked with children who had successfully completed toilet preparation? The iii biggest were

  • The kid "expresses a need to evacuate and shows awareness of the need to void or to take a bowel movement."
  • The child can pull "dress up and downwardly in a toilet grooming related context."
  • The kid "insists on completing tasks without help and is proud of new skills."

And then — if your goal is to teach your child to initiate potty visits, and handle much of the process independently — these signs might be specially helpful indicators of your child'southward readiness.

More than information

Looking for more data virtually the timing of training? Bank check out my prove-based article about choosing the right potty training historic period. In it, I review the pros and cons of toilet training at different stages of evolution, from infancy to 24 months — and beyond.

References: Signs of toilet training readiness

American Academy of Family Physicians. 2019. Information from Your Family Doctor: Toilet Training. Am Fam Md. 2019 Oct 15;100(eight):online.

Baird DC, Bybel M, Kowalski AW. 2019. Toilet Preparation: Common Questions and Answers. Am Fam Doc. 100(viii):468-474.

Brazelton TB and Sparrow JD. 2004. Toilet training the Brazelton fashion. Cambridge, MA: deCapo Press.

Brazelton TB, Christophersen ER, Frauman AC, Gorski PA, Poole JM, Stadtler Air-conditioning, Wright CL. 1999. Instruction, timeliness, and medical influences affecting toilet training. Pediatrics, 103: 1353-1358.

Canadian Pediatric Society. 2000. Toilet learning: Anticipatory guidances with a child-oriented approach. Paediatrics and Child Heath, 5: 333-5.

Gorski PA. 1999. Toilet grooming guidelines: Parents—the office of parents in toilet training. Pediatrics, 103: 362-363.

Kaerts N, Van Hal M, Vermandel A, and Wyndaele JJ. 2012. Readiness signs used to define the proper moment to start toilet training: a review of the literature. Neurourol Urodyn. 31(four):437-40.

O'Connell, D. 2000. Equally they grow: Your two-twelvemonth-old. New York: St Martins.

Schmidt BA. 2004. Toilet training: Getting information technology right the first time. Contemporary Pediatrics, 21: 105-119.

Schum TR, Kolb TM, McAuliffe TL, Simms, Md, Underhill, RL and Lewis M. 2002. Sequential acquisition of toilet-training skills: A descriptive study of gender and age differences in normal children. Pediatrics 109: 48-54.

Wyndaele JJ, Kaerts N, Wyndaele G, Vermandel A. 2020. Evolution Signs in Healthy Toddlers in Different Stages of Toilet Training: Tin can They Help Define Readiness and Probability of Success? Glob Pediatr Health.

Content of "Signs of toilet preparation readiness" last updated two/fourteen

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